Contributions to Research Project
- I did research on existing products (BRC-X1000) available in the market to upgrade for us to fulfill our purpose statement and that is to make lecture recording cameras better for the various stakeholder. - I did a full evaluation about the pros and cons our product(Lenslot) might have to our various stakeholders for our group to re-evaluate our upgrades. - I wrote the executive summary for our groups research project that summarises the outline of our research project. - I found out the different technologies that are currently available in the market. - Besides the different technologies available i also found out the best of the different component upgrades we have in mind for Lenslot - I also weighed the pros and cons of the existing products to ensure our product created will erase most of the cons and amplify the pros. - For the oral presentation, i was tasked to talk about the various small components of our product and gave a informative elaboration about the uses of the diff...